About Us
Our specialty lies in the field of trauma, interpersonal conflicts, adolescent development, anxiety and depression. We are trained in trauma informed care and have years of experience working with survivors of trauma. We take a collaborative approach to healing, in which you will be an integral part of goal establishment.
Our Mission
The goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in your life.
We hope to be able to help you identify the root of the problem, explore personal values, expand insight and gain freedom from struggles and stress. We create an empathic environment coupled with gentle confrontation and loads of support and encouragement. Together we will work on improving your self-perception and enhancing outlook on life, instilling Hope and providing guidance in the process.
“Ultimate discomfort leads to change.”
Begin your journey now.
We offer services from the following modalities:
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
— Rumi